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Current Version - Usync 1.1.1 (3/5/24)

Blender 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 4.0

Unreal 5.1/5.2/5.3





$45 (High Fees)

Unreal Sync

Unreal Sync - Panel

Export level JSON

Export Location

This is the location in your unreal project called

“blenderSync”. (More info in Installation)

Export JSON

Exports the Sync list.

Add Properties to objects

Add Custom Properties

Adds two custom variables to selected. “AssetName” and

“levelExport”, these are needed for Sync to work.

Change Asset Name

New Name

Changes the Asset reference name to selected.

Apply Asset Name

Appends string that is in the “New Name” field to 


Fix Assets

Rename Asset to Object

Takes the object's name and makes that the Asset name.

Rename Objects to Mesh Data

Changes the objects names to the Mesh data names.

Change to XYZ Euler

Changes all objects rotation type to Euler, needed for these tools.

Set Variable Export

Export True

Sets selected objects export to true.

Export False

Sets selected objects export to false.

Object Display


Sets selected objects to solid.


Sets selected objects to wireframe.

Unreal Tools

Unreal Tools - Panel


Apply Transform

Applies any selected booleans and zeros out those


Center Mesh

This will do its best to recenter the pivot the the mesh

and place it on the ground.

Item Spacing

Item Spacing

Takes selected items and space them out

Based on the 3 variables above.

Round Up to Whole

Round Up

Takes all selected objects and rounds up the location

Transform to the nearest whole number.

Rename Batch

Rename Objects

Takes name specified and renames selected objects.

Rename Materials

Deletes all materials on selected objects, Makes a new 

material and names it based on the object and adds

“_mat” suffix.

Rename Child UCX

Child to UCX

Takes children of selected objects and

renames/wireframes to work with Unreals naming


Add Prefix/Suffix

Add Prefix

Adds a prefix specified to all selected objects.

Add Suffix

Adds a suffix specified to all selected objects.

Remove Prefix/Suffix

Remove Prefix

Removes integer amount specified.

Remove Suffix

Removes integer amount specified.

Object Info

Object Info - Panel

Object Transform

Selected Objects name and transform is displayed.

Copy Transform

Copy Transform

Copies the transform of selected object.

Paste Transform

Paste the transform to the selected object.

Paste Location

Paste only Location to the selected object.

Paste Rotation

Paste only Rotation to the selected object.

Paste Scale

Paste only Scale to the selected object.

Export Settings

Export True

Sets selected objects export to true.

Export False

Sets selected objects export to false.

Object Display


Sets selected objects to solid.


Sets selected objects to wireframe.

Level Design

Level Design - Panel

Move Object on Axis


Increment amount.


Global and local space movement.


Increment movement based on Value + and -.

Reset Location

Reset location to 0

Rotate Object on Axis


Increment amount.


Global and local space rotation.


Increment rotation based on Value + and -.

Reset Rotation

Reset rotation to 0.

Scale Object on Axis


Increment amount.


Increment scale based on Value + and -.

Reset Scale

Reset scale to 1


Duplicate Objects

Duplicates when boolean is true. Moves if false.

Mirror Location X and Rotate

Mirror and rotates 180 of selected object on X. 

Mirror Location Y and Rotate

Mirror and rotates 180 of selected object on Y.

Mirror Location X

Mirror selected object on X.

Mirror Location Y

Mirror selected object on Y.

Random Rotation

Random Rotation

Randomly Rotate all axis.

Random X

Randomly Rotate X axis.

Random Y

Randomly Rotate Y axis.

Random Z

Randomly Rotate Z axis.

Move To

(Shift+Right Click sets Cursor)

Move to Cursor

Places selected object to cursor.

Duplicate and Move to Cursor

Duplicates and Places selected object to cursor.

Round Up


Rounds up location to a whole number.


Rounds up rotation to a whole number.


Rounds up scale to a whole number.


Snapping - Panel

Grid Snap


Switches to Grid snapping mode.


Adds Passive rigid body to selected, this is for static objects.

Face Snap Align


Switches to projecting the pivot point of active object to

background Geometry, also will align to normals.


Face Snap


Switches to projecting the pivot point of active object to

background Geometry, does not align to normals.

Physics Placement

Physics Placement - Panel

Add Rigid Body

Add Active

Adds active rigid body to selected, this is for moveable objects.

Add Passive

Adds Passive rigid body to selected, this is for static objects.

Collision Shape

Convex Hull

Changes the collision shape of selected objects to

Convex Hull. (Less accurate)


Changes the collision shape of selected objects to

Mesh (More accurate)



Play/Pause Timeline

Plays simulation and pauses when playing.

Reset Playhead

Moves playhead to the first frame.

Apply Sim

Apply All Rigid Bodies

Applies the transform of all rigidbody objects at the current frame, and removes their modifier.

Remove All and Reset

Removes rigidbody modifier and resets all objects to their original state.

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